Academic Advising

Advisor Locator

You can find your assigned advisor(s) by logging onto NavigateMason. You may see major advisors, minor advisors, success coaches, and other support staff listed.

If you are not yet assigned an advisor for your major or would like to speak with an advisor outside of your major, visit the college/school/program’s advising website for more information about their advising services and how to meet with an advisor.

Don’t know which school or college your major is in? You can search on the catalog for your major or use Majors at Mason.

You can search on the catalog or use Minors at Mason if you are unsure of which school or college to contact for your minor or one you are interested in.

Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution (Carter) 
College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) 
College of Engineering and Computing (CEC)  *If you are not currently declared in a CEC major but want to speak with an advisor, contact Undeclared/Undecided CEC advising. Only contact advising for the major you want once you meet the eligibility criteria to declare.
College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS) 
College of Public Health (CPH) 
College of Science (COS) 
College of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA) 
Costello College of Business (Costello) 
Schar School of Policy and Government (Schar) 
Exploratory (EXPL) 
Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) 

Pre-Health, Pre-Law, and Honors Advising

In addition to your major academic advisor(s), you may have additional advising needs based on programs you are a part of or pre-professional tracks you wish to pursue. Note that the following advising services are supplemental to your major academic advisor, and it is recommended to meet with both to discuss academic planning.

Health Professions Advising 
Schar School’s Patriot Pre-Law Program 
Honors College Academic Advising 

If you know you want to pursue a pre-professional track but are unsure of what to major in, see the Majors and Minors page for more information.

You can also use the complete advisor directory below for major and supplemental advising information.

Advisor Directory

To use the table below, you can sort by major or school/college or use the search field to type in the name of your major.

Name of Major
with link to
Advising Website
Name of College/School Policies, Procedures
and/or Forms Website
Physical LocationPhone or
Email Contact
Schedule an
Advising Appointment
BAS (Bachelor of Applied Science)Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)BAS Policies and Appeals ProcessMerten Hall, BAS Program Office703-993-2799View How to Schedule An Appointment
Conflict Analysis & ResolutionCarter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution (Carter)Carter Student Resources101 Northeast Module II703-993-4165Schedule an Appointment
Teacher LicensureCollege of Education and Human Development (CEHD)CEHD Policies and ProceduresThompson Hall, 2300703-993-2892Schedule an Appointment Online
Teacher PreparationCollege of Education and Human Development (CEHD)CEHD Policies and ProceduresThompson Hall, 2300703-993-2892Schedule an Appointment Online
Early Childhood EducationCollege of Education and Human Development (CEHD)CEHD Policies and ProceduresThompson Hall, 2300703-993-4242Schedule an Appointment Online
Elementary EducationCollege of Education and Human Development (CEHD)CEHD Policies and ProceduresThompson Hall, 2300703-993-3931Schedule an Appointment Online
Special EducationCollege of Education and Human Development (CEHD)CEHD Policies and ProceduresFinley, 102703-993-3670Schedule an Appointment Online
Assistive TechnologyCollege of Education and Human Development (CEHD)CEHD Policies and ProceduresFinley, 102703-993-3670Schedule an Appointment Online
Athletic Training
*No New Admits Starting Fall 2017
College of Education and Human Development (CEHD)CEHD Policies and ProceduresKatherine G. Johnson Hall, 220, SciTech703-993-9914Schedule an Appointment Online
Health & Physical EducationCollege of Education and Human Development (CEHD)CEHD Policies and ProceduresRAC, ROTC Suite across from Rm 2109703-993-2096Schedule an Appointment Online
KinesiologyCollege of Education and Human Development (CEHD)CEHD Policies and ProceduresKatherine G. Johnson Hall, 228C , SciTech Campus

703-993-7002Schedule an Appointment Online
Parks & Outdoor RecreationCollege of Education and Human Development (CEHD)CEHD Policies and ProceduresKrug Hall, Room 213703-993-5261Schedule an Appointment Online
Therapeutic RecreationCollege of Education and Human Development (CEHD)CEHD Policies and ProceduresKrug Hall, Room 213703-993-5261Schedule an Appointment Online
Sport ManagementCollege of Education and Human Development (CEHD)CEHD Policies and ProceduresKrug Hall, Room 213703-993-2080 (Fairfax Campus)

703-993-5200 (SciTech Campus)
Schedule an Appointment
Tourism & Events ManagementCollege of Education and Human Development (CEHD)CEHD Policies and ProceduresKrug Hall, Room 213703-993-2080Schedule an Appointment Online
BioengineeringCollege of Engineering and Computing (CEC) (formerly VSE)CEC Policies and FormsPeterson Hall, Suite 3102703-993-4190Schedule an Appointment Online
Civil & Infrastructure Engineering College of Engineering and Computing (CEC) (formerly VSE)CEC Policies and Forms1410 Engineering Bldg703-993-5607Schedule an Appointment Online
Computer EngineeringCollege of Engineering and Computing (CEC) (formerly VSE)CEC Policies and Forms3100 Engineering Bldg703-993-1569Contact Page to Schedule an Appointment
Cyber Security EngineeringCollege of Engineering and Computing (CEC) (formerly VSE)CEC Policies and Forms359 Research Hall703-993-6760Contact Page to Schedule an Appointment
Electrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering and Computing (CEC) (formerly VSE)CEC Policies and Forms3100 Engineering Bldg703-993-1569Contact Page to Schedule an Appointment
Information Technology,
Fairfax Campus
College of Engineering and Computing (CEC) (formerly VSE)CEC Policies and Forms5400 Engineering Building703-993-3565Contact Page to Schedule an Appointment
Information Technology
Science & Tech Campus
College of Engineering and Computing (CEC) (formerly VSE)CEC Policies and Forms103 Katherine G. Johnson Hall, Science & Tech Campus703-993-8461Contact Page to Schedule an Appointment
Mechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering and Computing (CEC) (formerly VSE)CEC Policies and Forms3300 Engineering Building703-993-5383Contact Page to Schedule an Appointment
Systems EngineeringCollege of Engineering and Computing (CEC) (formerly VSE)CEC Policies and Forms2100 Engineering Bldg703-993-1785Email us to schedule: [email protected]
StatisticsCollege of Engineering and Computing (CEC) (formerly VSE)CEC Policies and Forms1700 Engineering Building703-993-3645Contact Advisor
College of Engineering and Computing-Undeclared and UndecidedCollege of Engineering and Computing (CEC) (formerly VSE)CEC Policies and Forms2500 Engineering Building703-993-3088Schedule an Appointment Online
Computer ScienceCollege of Engineering and Computing (CEC) (formerly VSE))CEC Policies and Forms4300 Engineering Bldg703-993-1530Schedule an Appointment Online
Criminology, Law & SocietyCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresEnterprise Hall, Room 354703-993-8315Schedule an Appointment Online
CommunicationCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresHorizon Hall, Suite 5200703-993-1090Schedule an Appointment Online
EconomicsCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresBuchanan Hall, Room D150703-993-1151Schedule an Appointment Online
EnglishCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresHorizon Hall, Suite 4200703-993-1160Contact Page to Schedule an Appointment
Art HistoryCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresHorizon Hall, Suite 3200703-993-1249Schedule an Appointment Online
HistoryCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresHorizon Hall, Suite 3200703-993-1249Schedule an Appointment Online
Latin American StudiesCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresHorizon Hall, Suite 6300Contact AdvisorContact Advisor
FrenchCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresHorizon Hall, Suite 5100703-993-1220Schedule an Appointment Online
Modern & Classical LanguagesCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresHorizon Hall, Suite 5100703-993-1220Schedule an Appointment Online
SpanishCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresHorizon Hall, Suite 5100703-993-1220Schedule an Appointment Online
Environmental & Sustainability StudiesCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresEnterprise Hall, Room 402703-993-1436Schedule an Appointment Online
Russian & Eurasian StudiesCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresHorizon Hall, Suite 5100703-993-1220Schedule an Appointment Online
AnthropologyCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresHorizon Hall, Suite 6300703-993-5639Schedule an Appointment Online
SociologyCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresHorizon Hall, Suite 6300703-993-5639Schedule an Appointment Online
Creative WritingCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresHorizon Hall, Suite 4200703-993-1180Contact Page to Schedule an Appointment
Global AffairsCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresHorizon Hall, Suite 6300703-993-9185Schedule an Appointment Online
BIS (Individualized Study)College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresEnterprise Hall, 300703-993-4556Schedule an Appointment Online
Integrative Studies (School of Integrative Studies)College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresEnterprise Hall, 402Contact DepartmentSchedule an Appointment Online
Human Development and Family ScienceCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresEnterprise Hall, 402Contact DepartmentView How to Schedule An Appointment
ArabicCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresHorizon Hall, Suite 5100703-993-1220Schedule an Appointment Online
ChineseCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresHorizon Hall, Suite 5100703-993-1220Schedule an Appointment Online
PhilosophyCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresHorizon Hall, Suite 6300703-993-5639Schedule an Appointment Online
PsychologyCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresDavid King Hall, Room 2086703-993-1384Schedule an Appointment Online
Religious StudiesCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS)CHSS Policies and ProceduresHorizon Hall, Suite 3200703-993-5639Schedule an Appointment Online
Pre-Nursing (BPRE)College of Public Health (CPH)CHHS Policies and ProceduresPeterson Hall, Suite 1000703-993-1901Schedule an Appointment Online
Community HealthCollege of Public Health (CPH)CHHS Policies and ProceduresPeterson Hall, Suite 1000703-993-1901Schedule an Appointment Online
Health AdministrationCollege of Public Health (CPH)CHHS Policies and ProceduresPeterson Hall, Suite 4400703-993-1901Schedule an Appointment Online
Admitted Students
College of Public Health (CPH)CHHS Policies and ProceduresPeterson Hall, Suite 1000703-993-1901Schedule an Appointment Online
Rehabilitation ScienceCollege of Public Health (CPH)CHHS Policies and ProceduresPeterson Hall, Suite 1000703-993-1901Schedule an Appointment Online
Social WorkCollege of Public Health (CPH)CHHS Policies and ProceduresPeterson Hall, Suite 1000703-993-1901Schedule an Appointment Online
BiologyCollege of Science (COS)COS Policies and Procedures1200 Exploratory HallContact AdvisorAdvising Information
NeuroscienceCollege of Science (COS)COS Policies and Procedures204 Krasnow InstituteContact AdvisorAdvising Information
Environmental Science and PolicyCollege of Science (COS)COS Policies and ProceduresDavid King Hall Room 3005Contact AdvisorAdvising Information
PhysicsCollege of Science (COS)COS Policies and Procedures203 Planetary HallContact AdvisorAdvising Information
Medical Laboratory ScienceCollege of Science (COS)COS Policies and ProceduresExploratory Hall Room 1200Contact AdvisorAdvising Information
GeologyCollege of Science (COS)COS Policies and Procedures3450 Exploratory HallContact AdvisorAdvising Information
Atmospheric Sciences (AOES)College of Science (COS)COS Policies and Procedures267 Research HallContact AdvisorAdvising Information
ChemistryCollege of Science (COS)COS Policies and Procedures230 Planetary HallContact AdvisorAdvising Information
Computational and Data SciencesCollege of Science (COS)COS Policies and ProceduresResearch Hall Room 373Contact AdvisorAdvising Information
Forensic ScienceCollege of Science (COS)COS Policies and Procedures3400 Exploratory HallContact AdvisorAdvising Information
GeographyCollege of Science (COS)COS Policies and Procedures2400 Exploratory HallContact AdvisorAdvising Information
MathematicsCollege of Science (COS)COS Policies and Procedures4400 Exploratory HallContact AdvisorAdvising Information
AstronomyCollege of Science (COS)COS Policies and Procedures203 Planetary HallContact AdvisorAdvising Information
DanceCollege of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA)CVPA Undergraduate AdvisingA300 Performing Arts Bldg703-993-1114Schedule an Appointment
Computer Game DesignCollege of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA)CVPA Undergraduate Advising2020 Art and Design Building703-993-5734Schedule an Appointment Online
MusicCollege of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA)CVPA Undergraduate AdvisingA417 Performing Arts Bldg703-993-1380Schedule an Appointment Online
TheaterCollege of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA)CVPA Undergraduate AdvisingA407 Performing Arts Bldg703-993-6079Schedule an Appointment Online
Art & Visual TechnologyCollege of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA)CVPA Undergraduate Advising2050 Art and Design Bldg703-993-9617Schedule an Appointment Online
College of Visual and Performing Arts - UndeclaredCollege of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA)CVPA Undergraduate AdvisingC211 College Hall Room703-993-1321Schedule an Appointment
Film & Video StudiesCollege of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA)CVPA Undergraduate AdvisingC100 College Hall703-993-3287Schedule an Appointment Online
Business: AccountingCostello College of Business (CCB)CCB Policies and Procedures008 Enterprise Hall703-993-1880Schedule an Appointment Online
Business: Business AnalyticsCostello College of Business (CCB)CCB Policies and Procedures008 Enteprise Hall703-993-1880Schedule an Appointment Online
Business: FinanceCostello College of Business (CCB)CCB Policies and Procedures008 Enterprise Hall703-993-1880Schedule an Appointment Online
Business: Financial Planning and Wealth ManagementCostello College of Business (CCB)CCB Policies and Procedures008 Enterprise Hall703-993-1880Schedule an Appointment Online
Business: Management Information SystemsCostello College of Business (CCB)CCB Policies and Procedures008 Enterprise Hall703-993-1880Schedule an Appointment Online
Business: ManagementCostello College of Business (CCB)CCB Policies and Procedures008 Enterprise Hall703-993-1880Schedule an Appointment Online
Business: MarketingCostello College of Business (CCB)CCB Policies and Procedures008 Enterprise Hall703-993-1880Schedule an Appointment Online
Business: Operations and Supply Chain ManagementCostello College of Business (CCB)CCB Policies and Procedures008 Enterprise Hall703-993-1880Schedule an Appointment Online
Business: UndeclaredCostello College of Business (CCB)CCB Policies and Procedures008 Enterprise Hall703-993-1880Schedule an Appointment Online
ExploratoryExploratory (EXPL)Academic Requests and Forms228 Johnson CenterContact AdvisorSchedule an Appointment Online
Honors CollegeHonors College (HNRS)HNRS Policies and FormsBuchanan Hall D205703-993-1110Schedule an Appointment Online
Government & International PoliticsSchar School of Policy and Government (Schar)SCHAR Policies and FormsAquia Building, Room 337703-993-1400; Contact AdvisorSchedule an Appointment Online
Public AdministrationSchar School of Policy and Government (Schar)SCHAR Policies and FormsAquia Building, Room 337703-993-1400; Contact AdvisorSchedule an Appointment Online
Updated 8/22/2022

If you are unsure about whom to contact for advising, email [email protected].

To submit corrections and updates or to report broken or incorrect links, email [email protected].