Academic Advising

Mason Student Resources

New Student and Family Programs has a website for First Year Student Resources that we recommend for all students to explore and utilize. It includes pages for New Student Resources, a Glossary of Mason Terms, Quick Links, Academic Resources, University Life Resources, General Resources, Financial Aid & Resources, Policies & Codes of Conduct, and Identity Resources.

Please see Student Services in the top menu bar for links to the most frequently requested offices and resources.

If you are in need of a neutral party to mediate/facilitate an issue/conflict, contact the Office of the University Ombudsperson.

If you need resources about or to report a sexual assault, harassment, exploitation, or interpersonal violence, contact the Title IX office.

Mason has so many resources available to students, and you might not know exactly what you are looking for, so we have highlighted a few of them below.

Hover over (computer) or long press (mobile) the buttons for a brief description.