Academic Advising

Exploratory Academic Advising

All services during spring break (Monday, March 10 thru Friday, March 14) will be virtual only.
There will be no in-person drop-ins or appointments.

Welcome! Exploratory Academic Advising services are offered to any current undergraduate Mason students who have not yet decided on their major or want to explore other programs.

  • If you are seeking advising for a specific major (either your own declared major or one in which you are interested), use the Advisor Locator to find the appropriate advisor.
  • If you are undeclared within a college (e.g. Costello College of Business, College of Engineering, College of Visual and Performing Arts, College of Public Health), contact your assigned advisor for assistance. 
  • If you are Exploratory and seeking advising for Honors or a pre-professional track, see this section on the Advisor Locator for more information.

Exploratory and Non-Degree Student Exception Requests and Appeals

Information for Students Terminated from Their Major

Find Your Exploratory Academic Advisor

Exploratory Academic Advisors are assigned by the student’s last name. See below for which advisor to contact. There is a link to email them and a link to schedule an appointment in Navigate. You can also click on their bio to learn more about them.

A thru F: Antonio, Asha, or Lubna (see links below or email [email protected])

G thru N: Lubna Zia-Uddin (Bio | E-mail | Appointment)

O thru W: Asha Sneed (Bio | E-mail | Appointment)

X thru Z: Antonio Stewart (Bio | E-mail | Appointment)

If you would like to switch from your current major to Exploratory, first you will need to meet with an Exploratory Advisor. Follow the second set of steps to schedule an appointment that are below or contact an Exploratory Advisor from the information above. We strongly encourage you to review the resources on the Majors and Minors page prior to your meeting.

Drop-In Academic Advising Hours

Drop-in advising services do not require an appointment, are quick meetings of 15-minutes or less, and are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. For more in-depth questions or concerns, please schedule an appointment.

Schedule is subject to change.

Spring 2025 Drop-in Schedule (1/29-5/14)

MONDAYS: Appointments Only
TUESDAYS: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
WEDNESDAYS: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (there are no drop-ins on the first Wednesday of each month)
THURSDAYS: Appointments Only
FRIDAYS: Appointments Only

Drop-in Locations

All drop-ins are offered both in-person and virtual unless an exception is announced.

In-person: Johnson Center, Suite 228 (directly above the Patriot Tech store)

Virtual: Zoom link

Steps to schedule an advising appointment for current Exploratory Students with an assigned Exploratory advisor:

  1. Go to our Navigate system:
  2. Click the “Get Assistance” button
  3. For “What type of appointment would like to schedule”, select “Academic Advising
  4. For “Service”, select “Exploratory Advising
  5. Select any date and click “Find Available Time
  6. If you prefer either Virtual or In-person on campus, make a selection in “How would you like to meet?”
  7. Select the time that works best for your schedule and “Confirm Appointment

Steps to schedule an advising appointment for students who want to meet with an Exploratory advisor but are not assigned to one:

  1. Go to our Navigate system:
  2. Click the “Get Assistance” button
  3. Select “Academic Advising
  4. Under “Service”, select “Advising outside your major
  5. Select any date and click “Find Available Time
  6. Under “Staff” select the advisor based on the last name chart above
  7. Or under “Location” select Undergraduate Education
  8. If you prefer either Virtual or In-person on campus, make a selection in “How would you like to meet?”
  9. Select the time that works best for your schedule and “Confirm Appointment

Steps to schedule an advising appointment for Non-Degree Undergraduate Students:

  1. Go to our Navigate system:
  2. Click the “Get Assistance” button
  3. Select “Academic Advising
  4. Under “Service”, select “Non-Degree Student Advising”
  5. Select any date and click “Find Available Time
  6. Under “Staff” select the advisor based on the last name chart above
  7. Or under “Location” select Undergraduate Education
  8. If you prefer either Virtual or In-person on campus, make a selection in “How would you like to meet?”
  9. Select the time that works best for your schedule and “Confirm Appointment

Exploratory Academic Advising is a part of the Office of Academic Advising located in the Johnson Center, Suite 228 (directly above the Patriot Tech store).
