Academic Advising

Mason Core-VCCS Equivalency

Use the table below to look-up Mason Core requirement course equivalencies within the Virginia Community College System (VCCS). Mason Core categories may have restrictions due to major-specific policies, so please consult the catalog to see Mason Core requirements for a specific major. For a complete and dynamic list of transfer courses accepted at Mason, reference the Transfer Credit Matrix maintained by the Office of Admissions. While the data in the table are as accurate and current as possible, this is not an official source, and the University retains the right to revise a transfer credit evaluation at any time. This information is not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between the student and the university. In addition to using the table, we recommend that you double check the catalog and Transfer Credit Matrix and also consult with an academic or admissions advisor.

A few notes about transfer credits and using the table:
  • Regardless of course content, courses completed as lower-level (freshman or sophomore) will transfer to Mason as lower-level. For example, VCCS BIO 256 (4) = BIOL L311 (4). Equivalencies offered with an “L” designation do not negate the upper-level requirement.
  • Equivalencies offered with a four-dash designation, such as COMM—- (3) are electives. Elective credits do not satisfy Mason Core.
  • Variable credit courses are listed in the table with the number of credits that are listed in the Transfer Credit Matrix.
  • BUS 270 can also transfer as BUS 103, which would not satisfy the Oral Communication requirement for Mason Core.
  • Starting in Summer 2024: Students who have taken ENG 111 spring 2024 or prior will receive credit for ENGH 101 (Composition). Students who take ENG 111 after spring 2024 will receive ENGH—- (English elective), which does not satisfy Mason Core.
  • GOL 110 can also transfer as GGS 102 & GEOL 103, but this combination of courses would not satisfy the Natural Science with Lab requirement for Mason Core.
  • HIS 101, HIS 102, HIS 111, HUM 201, and HUM 202 from VCCS can satisfy the Global History requirement for Mason Core as HIST 101T, HIST 102T, or HIST L387T (see table for exact equivalency) as part of the Passport program. HIST 101, 102, and 387 do not satisfy Global History when taken at Mason or transferred from somewhere outside of VCCS or Richard Bland College.
  • PSY 231 & 232 transfer to Mason as PSYC 211 & PSYC—- (Psychology elective), but only PSYC 211 is listed in the table since only this course will satisfy a Mason Core requirement.
  • Global Understanding courses will continue to fulfill a Mason Core requirement for transfer students through catalog year 2026-2027 but not beyond that.
  • Courses that are no longer listed in the VCCS or George Mason catalogs are removed from the table but may still be eligible to fulfill a Mason Core requirement. Please consult with an advisor.
VCCS Course NumberVCCS Course NameVCCS
Mason Course NumberCourse NameMason
Mason Core Requirement
ADJ-100Survey of Criminal Justice3CRIM-100Introduction to Criminal Justice3Social and Behavioral Sciences
ARC-200History of Architecture4ARTH-103Introduction to Architecture4Arts
ARC-201History of Modern Architecture3ARTH-L315Modern Architecture3Arts
ART-100Art Appreciation3ARTH-101Introduction to the Visual Arts3Arts
ART-101History of Art: Prehistoric to Gothic3ARTH-200History of Western Art I3Arts
ART-102History of Art: Renaissance to Modern3ARTH-201History of Western Art II3Arts
ART-103History of Far Eastern Art I3ARTH-203Survey of Asian Art3Arts
ART-121Foundations of Drawing3AVT-222Drawing I3Arts
ART-125Introduction to Painting3AVT-232Painting I3Arts
ART-131Two-Dimensional Design3AVT-104Studio Fundamentals I3Arts
ART-132Three-Dimensional Design3AVT-105Three-Dimensional Design and Beyond3Arts
ART-134Three Dimensional Design3AVT-105Three-Dimensional Design and Beyond3Arts
ART-140Introduction to Graphic Skills3AVT-110Digital Design Studio3Info Tech & Computing
ART-141Typography I3AVT-215Typography3Arts
ART-180Introduction to Computer Graphics3AVT-180New Media in the Creative Arts3Info Tech & Computing
ART-215History of Modern Art3ARTH-L362Twentieth-Century European Art3Arts
ART-217Graphic Design I3AVT-215Typography3Arts
ART-231Sculpture I4AVT-262Sculpture I4Arts
ART-236Sculptural Ceramics4AVT-262Sculpture I4Arts
ART-241Painting I3AVT-232Painting I3Arts
ART-271Printmaking I4AVT-243Printmaking I4Arts
BIO-101General Biology I4BIOL-103 & BIOL-105Introductory Biology II-Survey of Cell and Molecular Biology & Laboratory4Natural Science with Lab
BIO-102General Biology II4BIOL-102Introductory Biology I-Survey of Biodiversity and Ecology4Natural Science with Lab
BIO-106Life Science4BIOL-103 & BIOL-105Introductory Biology II-Survey of Cell and Molecular Biology & Laboratory4Natural Science with Lab
BIO-107Biology of the Environment4EVPP-108 & EVPP-109Ecosphere - Introduction to Environmental Science I-Lecture & Lab4Natural Science with Lab
BIO-270General Ecology4EVPP-108 & EVPP-109Ecosphere - Introduction to Environmental Science I-Lecture & Lab4Natural Science with Lab
BUS-100Introduction to Business3BUS-100Business and Society3Social and Behavioral Sciences
BUS-224Business Statistics3BUS-210Business Analytics I3Quantitative Reasoning
BUS-270*Interpersonal Dynamics3COMM-101Interperson and Group Interact3Oral Communication
BUS-280Introduction to International Business3BUS-200Global Environment of Business3Global Contexts
CHM-101Introductory Chemistry4CHEM-103Chemical Science in a Modern Society4Natural Science with Lab
CHM-111General Chemistry I4CHEM-211 & CHEM-213General Chemistry I & General Chemistry Laboratory I4Natural Science with Lab
CHM-112General Chemistry II4CHEM-212 & CHEM-214General Chemistry II & General Chemistry Laboratry II4Natural Science with Lab
CHM-121Health Science Chemistry I4CHEM-103Chemical Science in a Modern Society4Natural Science with Lab
CSC-110Principles of Computer Science3CS-100Principles of Computing3Info Tech & Computing
CSC-208Introduction to Discrete Structures3MATH-125Discrete Mathematics I3Quantitative Reasoning
CSC-222Object-Oriented Programming4CS-112Introduction to Computer Programming4Info Tech & Computing
CST-100Principles of Public Speaking3COMM-100Public Speaking3Oral Communication
CST-105Oral Communication3COMM-100Public Speaking3Oral Communication
CST-110Introduction to Human Communication3COMM-101Fundamentals of Communication3Oral Communication
CST-120Screenwriting3FAVS-280Writing for the Moving Image3Arts
CST-130Introduction to Theatre3THR-101Theatrical Medium3Arts
CST-131Acting I3THR-210Acting I3Arts
CST-141Theatre Appreciation I3THR-101Theatrical Medium3Arts
CST-145Technical Theatre3THR-230Fundamentals of Production3Arts
CST-151Film Appreciation I3ENGH-L372Introduction to Film3Arts
CST-152Film Appreciation II3FAVS-225Introduction to World Cinema3Arts
CST-229Intercultural Communication3COMM-L305Foundations of Intercultural Communication3Global Contexts
CST-231History of Theatre I3THR-150Global Theater Histories I3Arts
DIT-121Nutrition I3NUTR-295Introduction to Nutrition3Natural Science Overview
ECO-120Survey of Economics3ECON-100Economics for the Citizen3Social and Behavioral Sciences
ECO-150Economic Essentials: Theory and Application3ECON-100Economics for the Citizen3Social and Behavioral Sciences
ECO-201Principles of Macroeconomics3ECON-104Contemporary Macroeconomic Principles3Social and Behavioral Sciences
ECO-202Principles of Microeconomics3ECON-103Contemporary Microeconomic Principles3Social and Behavioral Sciences
EDU-200Foundations of Education3EDUC-200Introduction to Education: Teaching, Learning and Schools3Social and Behavioral Sciences
EDU-280Introduction to Instructional Technologies3ELED-257Integrating Technology in PreK-63Info Tech & Computing
EGR-125Introduction to Computer Programming for Engineers4ENGR-125TIntro Engineering Methods Tran4Info Tech & Computing
ENG-111*College Composition I3ENGH-101Composition3Written Communication
ENG-112College Composition II3ENGH-101Composition3Written Communication
ENG-125Introduction to Literature3ENGH-201Reading and Writing about Texts3Literature
ENG-200Introduction to Linguistics3LING-L306General Linguistics3Social and Behavioral Sciences
ENG-211Creative Writing I3ENGH-L396Introduction to Creative Writing3Arts
ENG-225Reading Literature: Culture and Ideas3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-230Mystery in Literature & Film3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-233The Bible as Literature3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-236Introduction to the Short Story3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-237Introduction to Poetry3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-241Survey of American Literature I3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-242Survey of American Literature II3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-243Survey of English Literature I3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-244Survey of English Literature II3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-245British Literature3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-246American Literature3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-247Survey of Popular Culture3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-249Survey of Asian American Literature3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-250Children's Literature3ENGH-202 or ELED-258Texts and Contexts or Children's Literature for Teaching in Diverse Settings3Literature
ENG-253Survey of African-American Literature I3ENGH-202English Lit Elective3Literature
ENG-254Survey of African-American Literature II3ENGH-202English Lit Elective3Literature
ENG-255World Literature3FRLN-L330Topics in World Literature3Literature
ENG-256Literature of Science Fiction3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-257Mythological Literature3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-258African American Literature3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-260Fantasy Fiction3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-267The Modern Novel3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-268The Modern Drama3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-270Non-Western Literature in Global Context3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-271The Works of Shakespeare I3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-272The Works of Shakespeare II3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-273Women in Literature I3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-274Women in Literature II3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-275Women in Literature3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-276Southern Literature3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-278Appalachian Literature3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENG-279Film and Literature3ENGH-202Texts and Contexts3Literature
ENV-100Basic Environmental Science3EVPP-108Ecosphere - Introduction to Environmental Science I-Lecture3Natural Science Overview
ENV-121General Environmental Science I4EVPP-108 & EVPP-109Ecosphere - Introduction to Environmental Science I-Lecture & Lab4Natural Science with Lab
ENV-122General Environmental Science II4EVPP-112 & EVPP-113Ecosphere: Introduction to Environmental Science II-Lecture & Lab4Natural Science with Lab
ENV-136Survey of Environmental Concerns3EVPP-201Environment and You: Issues for the Twenty-First Century3Natural Science Overview
ENV-220Environmental Problems3EVPP-201Environment and You: Issues for the Twenty-First Century3Natural Science Overview
GEO-200Introduction to Physical Geography3GGS-102Physical Geography3Natural Science Overview
GEO-210People and the Land: Intro to Cultural Geography3GGS-103Human Geography3Social and Behavioral Sciences
GEO-220World Regional Geography3GGS-101Major World Regions3Global Contexts
GOL-105Physical Geology4GEOL-101 & GEOL-103Physical Geology & Physical Geology Lab4Natural Science with Lab
GOL-106Historical Geology4GEOL-102 & GEOL-104Historical Geology & Historical Geology Laboratory4Natural Science with Lab
GOL-110*Earth Systems: An Environmental Geology Perspective4GEOL-101 & GEOL-103Physical Geology & Physical Geology Lab4Natural Science with Lab
GOL-111Oceanography I4GEOL-120 & GEOL-121The Changing Ocean & The Changing Ocean Laboratory4Natural Science with Lab
HIS-101*Western Civilizations Pre-1600 CE3HIST-101TFoundations of Western Civilization3Global History
HIS-102*Western Civilizations Post-1600 CE3HIST-102TDevelopment of Western Civilization3Global History
HIS-111World Civilizations Pre-1500 CE3HIST-L387TTopics in Global History3Global Understanding*
HIS-111*World Civilizations Pre-1500 CE3HIST-L387TTopics in Global History3Global History
HIS-112World Civilizations Post-1500 CE3HIST-125Introduction to Global History3Global History
HIS-121United States History to 18773HIST-121Formation of the American Republic3Social and Behavioral Sciences
HIS-122United States History Since 18653HIST-122Development of Modern America3Social and Behavioral Sciences
HIS-135History of the Contemporary World3HIST-L387Topics in Global History3Global Understanding*
HIS-203History of African Civilization3HIST-261Survey of African History3Global Contexts
HIS-204History of African Civilizations II3HIST-262Survey of African History3Global Contexts
HIS-231Introduction to Latin American History3HIST-271Survey of Latin American History3Global Contexts
HIS-232History of Latin American Civilizations II3HIST-272Survey of Latin American History3Global Contexts
HIS-241History of Russia I3HIST-L328Rise of Russia3Global Understanding*
HIS-242History of Russia II3HIST-L329Modern Russia and the Soviet Union3Global Contexts
HIS-243History of the Ancient World I3HIST-L387Topics in Global History3Global Understanding*
HIS-251History of Middle East Civilization I3HIST-281Survey of Middle Eastern Civilization3Global Understanding*
HIS-252History of Middle East Civilization II3HIST-282Survey of Middle Eastern Civilization3Global Understanding*
HIS-253History of Asian Civilizations I3HIST-251Survey of East Asian History3Global Understanding*
HIS-254History of Modern East Asian Civilizations3HIST-252Survey of East Asian History3Global Understanding*
HIS-256History of Japanese Culture and Institutions3HIST-L387Topics in Global History3Global Understanding*
HIS-277The American Experience in Vietnam3HIST-L377The Vietnam War3Global Contexts
HLT-230Principles of Nutrition3NUTR-295Introduction to Nutrition3Natural Science Overview
HLT-241Global Health Perspectives3GCH-205Global Health3Global Contexts
HUM-201*Early Humanities3HIST-101TFoundations of Western Civilization3Global History
HUM-202*Modern Humanities3HIST-102TDevelopment of Western Civilization3Global History
HUM-210Introduction to Women and Gender Studies3WMST-200Introduction to Women and Gender Studies3Social and Behavioral Sciences
HUM-220Introduction to African American Studies3AFAM-200Introduction to African American Studies3Social and Behavioral Sciences
HUM-259The Greek and Roman Tradition3CLAS-250Classical Mythology3Literature
ITE-119Information Literacy3IT-104Introduction to Computing3Info Tech & Computing
ITE-152Introduction to Digital and Information Literacy and Computer Applications3IT-104Introduction to Computing3Info Tech & Computing
MTH-154Quantitative Reasoning3MATH-106Quantitative Reasoning3Quantitative Reasoning
MTH-155Statistical Reasoning3STAT-105TIntro Statistics - Transfer3Quantitative Reasoning
MTH-245Statistics I3STAT-250Introductory Statistics I3Quantitative Reasoning
MTH-261Applied Calculus I3MATH-108Introductory Calculus with Business Applications3Quantitative Reasoning
MTH-263Calculus I4MATH-113Analytic Geometry and Calculus I4Quantitative Reasoning
MTH-288Discrete Mathematics3MATH-125Discrete Mathematics I3Quantitative Reasoning
MUS-101Fundamentals of Music3MUSI-100Fundamentals of Music3Arts
MUS-121Music in Society3MUSI-101Introduction to Classical Music3Arts
MUS-137Chorus Ensemble2MUSI-L381University Chorale2Arts
MUS-138Small Vocal Ensemble2MUSI-L385Chamber Singers2Arts
MUS-148Orchestra Ensemble1MUSI-L387Symphony Orchestra1Arts
MUS-149Band Ensemble2MUSI-L383Symphonic Band2Arts
MUS-225The History of Jazz3MUSI-107Jazz and Blues in America3Arts
MUS-226World Music3MUSI-103Musics of the World3Global Understanding*
MUS-237Chorus Ensemble2MUSI-L381University Chorale2Arts
MUS-238Small Vocal Ensemble2MUSI-L385Chamber Singers2Arts
MUS-248Orchestra1MUSI-L387Symphony Orchestra1Arts
MUS-249Band Ensemble2MUSI-L383Symphonic Band2Arts
NAS-125Meterology4GGS-121Dynamic Atmosphere and Hydrosphere4Natural Science with Lab
NAS-130Elements of Astronomy4ASTR-103 & ASTR-114Astronomy & Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe Lab4Natural Science with Lab
NAS-131Astronomy: Solar System4ASTR-111 & ASTR-112The Solar System & The Solar System Lab4Natural Science with Lab
NAS-132Astronomy: Stars and Galaxies4ASTR-113 & ASTR-114Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe & Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe Lab4Natural Science with Lab
PHT-101Photography I3AVT-253Digital Photography I3Arts
PHT-103Black and White Darkroom Photography I3AVT-252Darkroom Photography I3Arts
PHT-105Basic Photography3AVT-252Darkroom Photography I3Arts
PHT-110History of Photography3ARTH-L350History of Photography3Arts
PHT-120Screenwriting3FAVS-280Writing for the Moving Image3Arts
PHT-164Introduction to Digital Photography3AVT-253Digital Photography I3Arts
PHT-201Advanced Photography I3AVT-253Digital Photography I3Arts
PHT-264Digital Photography II3AVT-253Digital Photography I3Arts
PHY-100Elements of Physics4PHYS-103Physics and Everyday Phenomena I4Natural Science with Lab
PHY-141Astronomy: Solar System4ASTR-111 & ASTR-112The Solar System & The Solar System Lab4Natural Science with Lab
PHY-142Astronomy: Stars and Galaxies4ASTR-113 & ASTR-114Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe & Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe Lab4Natural Science with Lab
PHY-150Elements of Astronomy4ASTR-103 & ASTR-114Astronomy & Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe Lab4Natural Science with Lab
PHY-201General College Physics I4PHYS-243 & PHYS-244College Physics I & College Physics I Lab4Natural Science with Lab
PHY-202General College Physics II4PHYS-245 & PHYS-246College Physics II & College Physics II Lab4Natural Science with Lab
PHY-241University Physics I4PHYS-160 & PHYS-161University Physics I & University Physics I Lab4Natural Science with Lab
PHY-242University Physics II4PHYS-260 & PHYS-261University Physics II & Univ Physics II Lab4Natural Science with Lab
PHY-243Modern Physics3PHYS-262University Physics III3Natural Science with Lab
PHY-243Modern Physics3PHYS-262University Physics III3Natural Science Overview
PHY-244Modern Physics Lab1PHYS-263University Physics III Laboratory1Natural Science with Lab
PLS-135U.S. Government and Politics3GOVT-103Introduction to American Government3Social and Behavioral Sciences
PLS-140Introduction to Comparative Politics3GOVT-133Introduction to Comparative Politics3Global Contexts
PLS-200Introduction to Political and Democratic Theory3GOVT-101Democratic Theory and Practice3Social and Behavioral Sciences
PLS-241Introduction to International Relations3GOVT-132Introduction to International Politics3Global Understanding*
PLS-250Introduction to Conflict Resolution3CONF-101Conflict and Our World3Social and Behavioral Sciences
PSY-200Principles of Psychology3PSYC-100Basic Concepts in Psychology3Social and Behavioral Sciences
PSY-216Social Psychology3PSYC-231Social Psychology3Social and Behavioral Sciences
PSY-219Cross-Cultural Psychology3PSYC-L379Applied Cross-Cultural Psychology3Global Understanding*
PSY-230Developmental Psychology3PSYC-211Developmental Psychology3Social and Behavioral Sciences
PSY-231&232*Life Span Human Development I & II6PSYC-211Developmental Psychology3Social and Behavioral Sciences
REL-100Introduction to the Study of Religion3RELI-100The Human Religious Experience3Global Contexts
REL-230Religions of the World3RELI-100The Human Religious Experience3Global Contexts
REL-233Introduction to Islam3RELI-L312Islam3Global Contexts
REL-237Religions of the East3RELI-212Introduction to Religions of Asia3Global Understanding*
REL-238Religions of the West3RELI-211Introduction to Religions of the "West"3Global Understanding*
SOC-200Introduction to Sociology3SOCI-101Introductory Sociology3Social and Behavioral Sciences
SOC-211Cultural Anthropology3ANTH-114Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3Social and Behavioral Sciences
SOC-212Principles of Anthropology II3ANTH-135Introduction to Biological Anthropology3Natural Science Overview
SOC-212Principles of Anthropology II3ANTH-135Introduction to Biological Anthropology3Social and Behavioral Sciences
SOC-225Sociology of Gender3SOCI-L315Contemporary Gender Relations3Social and Behavioral Sciences
SOC-266Race and Ethnicity3SOCI-L308Race and Ethnicity in a Changing World3Social and Behavioral Sciences
SOC-268Social Problems3SOCI-L352Social Problems and Solutions3Social and Behavioral Sciences
SSC-115Introduction to Global Affairs3GLOA-101Introduction to Global Affairs3Global Contexts
SSC-210Introduction to Women's Studies3WMST-200Introduction to Women and Gender Studies3Social and Behavioral Sciences
*See “A few notes…” above

Last updated June 2024